姓名: 章伟成
工作单位: 立博集团 立博
1. 教科研项目:
B.省教育厅-重点科研项目:PVP-纳米银杀灭肿瘤细胞的动态作用机理与应用研究(19A330003; 2019.01-2020.12),3.0万元,主持;
C.省教育厅-重点科研项目:聚苯乙烯微塑料介导淡水环境中金属砷(As)的光转化与毒性效应研究(23B610007; 2023.01-2024.12),主持;
D.车用生物燃料技术国家重点实验室开放课题:石墨烯海绵的制备及其在有机溶剂与油脂残留回收中的应用(KFKT2018006; 2019.07-2020.06),5.0万元,主持;
E.省科技厅-科技攻关项目:基于水源地保护的丹江口水库鱼类群落生态调控策略研究,(192102310305; 2019.01-2020.12),参与;
2. 期刊论文:
Jun Zhang,Jiating Wei,Tian Hu,Weicheng Zhang*. 2023. Polystyrene microplastics reduce Cr(VI) and decrease its aquatic toxicity under simulated sunlightJournal of Hazardous Materials. 419.(SCI一区TOP)
Guanjie Yan, Yonghao Sun, Liting Yang,Weicheng Zhang*. 2022. Polystyrene microplastics protect lettuce (Lactuca sativa) from the hazardous effects of Cu(OH) 2 nanopesticidesFrontiers in Plant Science(SCI二区TOP)
Jiaolong Huang, Peng Duan, Ling Tong,Weicheng Zhang*. 2022.Influence of polystyrene microplastics on the volatilization, photodegradation and photoinduced toxicity of anthracene and pyrene in freshwater and artificial seawater.Science of The Total Environment.(SCI一区TOP)
Ling Tong,Peng D., Xiang T.,Jiaolong H., Jun j.,Zhaojin C.,Jianwei Y.,Haiying Y.,Weicheng Zhang*. 2022.Polystyrene microplastics sunlight-induce oxidative dissolution, chemical transformation and toxicity enhancement of silver nanoparticles.Science of The Total Environment.(SCI一区TOP)
Ling Tong,Ke S., Yingqi W., Jianwei Y.,Jun j.,Jianrong L., Zhaojin C.,Weicheng Zhang*.2022.Zinc oxide nanoparticles dissolution and toxicity enhancement by polystyrene microplastics under sunlight irradiation.Chemosphere.(SCI二区TOP)
Zhang, Weicheng, Song, K., Ding, R., Han, H., Yao, L., Ji, M., Chen, Z., Yu, H., Wu, Chenxi*. and Fang, Tao*.2021. Role of polystyrene microplastics in sunlight-mediated transformation of silver in aquatic environments: Mechanisms, kinetics and toxicity.Journal of Hazardous Materials.419.(SCI一区TOP)
Ding, Ruinuin, Tong, L. andZhang, Weicheng*.2021.Microplastics in Freshwater Environments: Sources, Fates and Toxicity.Water, Air, Soil Pollut.232(5).
Song, Ke, Ding, R., Sun, C., Yao, L. andZhang, Weicheng*.2021.Microparticles and microplastics released from daily use of plastic feeding and water bottles and plastic injectors: potential risks to infants and children in China.Environmental Science and Pollution Research.24. 59813-59820.
Song, Ke#,Zhang, Weicheng#*, Sun, C., Hu, X., Wang, J. and Yao, Lunguang*.2020.Dynamic cytotoxicity of ZnO nanoparticles and bulk particles to Escherichia coli: A view from unfixed ZnO particle:Zn2+ratio.Aquatic Toxicology. 220, 105407.
Sun, Caiyun#,Zhang, Weicheng#*, Ding, R., Wang, J. and Yao, Lunguang*.2020.Mechanism of low concentrations of polystyrene microplastics influence the cytotoxicity of Ag ions to Escherichia coli.Chemosphere253, 126705.
Zhang, Weicheng, Ning, B., Sun, C., Song, K., Xu, X., Fang, Tao*andYao, Lunguang*.2020.Dynamic nano-Ag colloids cytotoxicity to and accumulation by Escherichia coli: Effects of Fe(3+), ionic strength and humic acid.Journal Environmental Science. (China) 89, 180-193.
Zhang, Weicheng, Huang, J., Liang, L., Yao, L. and Fang, Tao*.2019. Dual impact of dissolved organic matter on cytotoxicity of PVP-Ag NPs to Escherichia coli: Mitigation and intensification.Chemosphere214, 754-763.
Zhang, Weicheng, Ke, S., Sun, C., Xu, X., Chen, J. and Yao, Lunguang*.2019. Fate and toxicity of silver nanoparticles in freshwater from laboratory to realistic environments: a review.Environmental Science and Pollution Research26(8), 7390-7404.
Zhang, Weicheng, Xiao, B. and Fang, Tao*.2018.Chemical transformation of silver nanoparticles in aquatic environments: Mechanism, morphology and toxicity.Chemosphere191(Supplement C), 324-334.高被引论文